In Python, we have a wide variety of data types that can store and manipulate information in different ways. This guide will explain Complex numbers and Byte types (like bytes, bytearray, and memoryview) in Python, using simple language and examples.

We’ll also see how to display this information on a WordPress website with code examples and sample outputs.

1. Complex Numbers in Python

A complex number is a number that has two parts:

  1. Real part (a regular number like 3 or -1)
  2. Imaginary part (a number that is multiplied by the imaginary unit j)

In Python, complex numbers are written like this:

a + bj

Where a is the real part and b is the imaginary part.


# Defining a complex number
my_complex_number = 3 + 4j

# Accessing the real part and imaginary part
print("Real part:", my_complex_number.real)  # Output: 3.0
print("Imaginary part:", my_complex_number.imag)  # Output: 4.0

Sample Output:

Real part: 3.0
Imaginary part: 4.0

2. Byte Types in Python

Byte types are used to handle data in binary format, which is especially useful when working with files, network data, or other low-level operations.

There are three types of byte data in Python:

  1. bytes
  2. bytearray
  3. memoryview

Let’s go through each of them one by one.

2.1 bytes

bytes is an immutable sequence of bytes. You can’t change a bytes object once it’s created.

# Creating a bytes object
my_bytes = bytes([65, 66, 67, 68])

# Printing the bytes object
print(my_bytes)  # Output: b'ABCD'
Sample Output:

2.2 bytearray

bytearray is similar to bytes, but it’s mutable, meaning you can change the data inside it after it’s created.

# Creating a bytearray object
my_bytearray = bytearray([65, 66, 67, 68])

# Modifying a value in the bytearray
my_bytearray[1] = 90  # Change the second byte to 'Z'

# Printing the updated bytearray
print(my_bytearray)  # Output: bytearray(b'AZCD')
Sample Output:

2.3 memoryview

A memoryview allows you to view and work with byte data without making a copy. It’s like a window that shows part of the data, and you can manipulate it directly.

# Creating a memoryview from a bytearray
my_bytearray = bytearray([65, 66, 67, 68])
memory = memoryview(my_bytearray)

# Accessing the first byte
print(memory[0])  # Output: 65

# Changing the first byte through memoryview
memory[0] = 90

# Printing the modified bytearray
print(my_bytearray)  # Output: bytearray(b'ZBCD')
Sample Output: